Alloy Polishing \ Spraying \ Beadblasting Service

Since opening a Scooter workshop in Burscough Lancs where I specialised in alloy polishing, I am pleased to announce the expansion of the business to include a spray booth and bead-blasting service.

As you may be aware, this could benefit Bella owners that want alloy parts machine polished to a very high shine or a mirror finish,Bella wheels look fantastic with a polished finish. There are lots of alloy parts on a Bella such as wheels, levers, brake drums, dash boards and on certain models the teleglide forks and alloy running boards. I would be happy to receive parts via mail, price mainly depends on the amount of polishing and the quality of the parts as to the end result, please contact me to discuss your requirements.

The spray booth is now up and running and I currently have a Scooter in for paint, obviously the bead-blasting goes hand in hand with the spray booth in order to prepare machines to the highest possible standard. However I can offer the bead-blasting as a separate service, if you just need parts cleaning up.

Costs  on spray jobs are dependent on the quality of the parts to be sprayed as to the amount of work required to get them to the spraying stage.

Finally, I am able to carry out repair jobs, servicing etc even down to brake shoe re-lining for your Zundapp machines, combined with a large van to facilitate collection and delivery of your Scooter.

Two stroke oils, spark plugs and most parts for Vespa and Lambrettas also for sale.

Up and Running Scooters
Unit 1e,56-60 New Lane
L40 0RY

Phone: Paul Graham  07711125185  (member 100)

Part Way Through Process
Finished Wheel

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